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Name:  Mathias


Birthday:  26th of January 2019


When he joined us:  May 2019


About:  Mathias is the youngest child in all of Casa Segura and he loves to eat and play. He is greatly loved by all the kids here.


Hobbies:  Playing with his toys.


Likes:  To drink milk, lots of it.


Dream: Doesn't know yet.

Name:  Mathias


Birthday:  26th of January 2019


When he joined us:  May 2019


About:  Mathias is the youngest child in all of Casa Segura and he loves to eat and play. He is greatly loved by all the kids here.


Hobbies:  Playing with his toys.


Likes:  To drink milk, lots of it.


Dream: Doesn't know yet.

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